humans need to get together as a species and get some shit figured out.
We need to put aside all traditions and outmoded belief systems and
look at the sobering facts before we overpopulate and pollute ourselves
to death. Are we ready to "grow up" and realize our oneness with the
rest of the planet and quit being moved by the unconscious whims of
biology and primate politics? Maybe it's a pipe dream but it would be
nice to put some thought into taking our foot off of the gas and
applying the brakes before our runaway "civilization" flies off the
cliff. Relating to life with anything other than a sustainable way of
being is, obviously, unsustainable--meaning it is doomed to failure and
ultimate collapse. Are we ready to "get real" or should we just carry on
in an ignorant, destructive way, heads buried in the sand of the
nightmare of isolation?