What is the strange disconnect that makes people think that the office of President is anything more than symbolic? "My team is better than yours!" The real power, behind the scenes, stays the same from administration to administration--the banks and financiers, oil companies, defense contractors, insurance companies, etc. At this point in our "union", democracy is a joke. This isn't to say we can't take saving the world into our own hands, in fact it is the only sane course that I see.
It seems to me that we should all be getting concerned with water security, food security and the building of non-toxic housing. For those tired of isolationism and alienation, community is the obvious solution. Sustainability, environmentally and economically, should always be at the forefront of our thinking processes and ways of living. Unsustainable systems and behaviors are obviously doomed to failure and collapse. Many great nations and empires have collapsed, usually brought down by inward corruption and egocentricity. Unsustainable farming practices alone have destroyed many proud and powerful societies.
Time to wake up and smell the oneness! We aren't apart from the Earth or each other, only a part of it!
If you'd like to change your way of living to be more at peace with the planet I suggest these systems and techniques:
There is also a sustainability degree available at AB-Tech in Asheville, this is so cool! http://www1.abtech.edu/academic-programs/engineering-and-applied-technology/sustainability-technologies/sustainability-tech