Sunday, April 17, 2011


Things are going well at the homestead. We're currently working on an earthbag sun-room addition to the house and it is coming along nicely. We had our first earthbag building workshop last weekend and, though there was a small turnout, it went well and it felt nice to share this user friendly technique.

Yesterday was Earth Day and Asheville had a big event downtown. We went, especially hoping to meet the folks from Transition Asheville ( and we did! They are preparing for a post petroleum society which will, of course, be radically different from the one we know today. No more Lowes and Wal Mart! No more (or at least a lot less) grocery items shipped from the opposite side of the planet. Things will of necessity become more locally oriented. Transition is preparing for this reality. Also, instead of leaning on petroleum for our power needs they are emphasizing the strength of community. When America adopted the nuclear family model (parents and children), we became more fragmented than ever and lost touch with what really matters. It seems like television and the infatuation with the entertainment industry is an unconscious attempt to replace family in our hearts and our daily lives.

The isolated, alienated world view that has given rise to capitalism and exploitation isn't sustainable. The Earth can't sustain it -- nor can humanity. If something isn't sustainable then what is it? Unsustainable, meaning -- it can't go on forever. We have to start planning for when the "oil bubble" bursts today. It can be done and thank God there are an ever growing number of people dedicated to this cause.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Morgan
    I have been trying to contact you through the address given on the contact page of your website. Every way I try i still cant get thru toi you as I keep getting an invalid address reply. Anyway can you please send me a short message with correct information so we may chat about your interest in a "Sustainable Living Community"

    Thanks Greatly
    Thomas Putman
